Friday, March 9, 2012

18 weeks & baby heart beat!

i'm 18 weeks and finally getting a belly. i'm glad the in between stage of no belly and a prego belly has finally passed - the stage where people think you might be pregnant but are too scared to ask.  i love having a big belly to rub and rest my hands on. and i love not being sick anymore. the first 16 weeks were anything but my favorite, but at 18 weeks i'm nothing but smiles cause i'm lovin what 'normal' feels like. 
this last doctors appointment was pretty special cause tanaya was able to come with us.  during the visit our doctor listed to the baby's heartbeat and i looked over and saw tanaya smile.  then i looked over at john grinning ear to ear recording the miracle of a heartbeat with his phone.  i've listened to this precious beat over and over...and here it is for you.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my cutest belly!! :) I LOVE it! And that heartbeat.... my gosh it's PERFECT!! :)
