*disclaimer* this is my honest to goodness attempt at being something i am not. A blogger, a facebooker, an emailer, a tweeter, are all things i am not - nor are they things i aspire to be. the last thing i want to do is spend my time in front of a computer. however, i do want to include our far away family and friends on this amazing journey were on. So, i am finally sucking it up after years of telling myself i would, and i am promising that i will give it a strong effort. Give me encouragement and wish me luck...and here we go!
We are the Lucky Ones! We truly are. We have our amazing daughter Tanaya who makes every moment that much more fun, a truly romantic marriage between best friends, and now - a cute little baby to add to the mix. Our 2011 Christmas cards (above) were how we announced our special news to our family and friends. Tanaya's creative side made the card SO cute with her funky original style. Due date: August 8, 2011. What a crazy fun year we have in front of us!
Starting From the Beginning:
it was a very happy and sad start. we found out we were pregnant and were SO excited. unfortunely my grandma larson was sick in the hospital at the time and passed away before she was well enough to hear our great news. so shes meeting our baby in heaven instead of here on earth. it's been so fun to see Tanaya and John get excited. Tanayas already begun a list of baby names to choose from and johns having fun thinking of all the outdoor adventures he'll take them on. i haven't been feeling the best...been dizzy with a motion sickness type feeling, but they have both been so sweet to me. were about 9 weeks along, with our first 'real' doctors appointment in two days. i say first 'real' appointment because the same day we took the home pregnancy test we went to the doctors to confirm it was real. and it was :) and if it couldn't get any better it did. john and tanaya surprised me with neil diamond!! tickets for Christmas. better than that...the concert is two weeks
before my due date. looks to be a strong possibility our baby will be born on the 10th row :)
-- John's Flashback --
I was slightly hopefully going to the store at 4 in the morning to get an at home test. It had been about a year of trying. Getting our hopes up each month only to have to keep trying. However, this time could be different, we were late after all. Plus, I did have a feeling that I had not had the previous months.
It was a quite time while waiting for the test to do it's thing. 3 minutes is a long time. Neither of us wanted to see a negative. In fact, Michelle couldn't bring her self to look, so I went to check the test by myself while she lay in bed. I saw the positive sign and my heart jumped but I didn't yell out. I tried to be a little coy and just walked into the room and said to Michelle, two lines is a good thing right? It was fun to see her reaction with that 'you better not be kidding' look. The happiness that morning was awesome. Something I won't forget.
--Tanaya's Flashback--
We were on our way to go see my Great Grandma Larson at the hospital and i wasn't the happiest Person in the world. I was on my way downstairs when my mom told me that she needed to tell me something. Being my Stubborn self i gave her a somewhat dirty look and said "Whaaaaaaatttt" (you know how us teens are). They finally talked me into going back upstairs and I leaned against the wall waiting to hear what they were going to tell me. John looked at me and told me to open my hand. Let's just say that I've fallen for that WAY too many times. After another episode of them convincing me to do something that i was not up to doing, I gave him my hand. To my surprise a dried split pea was now in my hand. I looked at my mom and John with a curious face when they asked me to guess what was the same size as the split pea. I guessed many things, which included your pinky toenail, the pupil of your eye, etc. John looked at my mom and said "i don't think she's gonna get it" my mom looked at me with a smile on her face and said "its the size of your little sister" then john said "or brother." i looked at my hand in disgust and threw the split pea to get it out of my hand ASAP. Talk about crazy parents and there crazy ways of giving you awesome news :)
YAY!!!! The only thing I could love possibly more than I love that you are blogging- is YOU GUYS!! :) Can't wait to follow your journey!! :)
ReplyDeleteSOSOSOSO excited for you!! :)