Wednesday, October 31, 2012


...and caimans first!
we carved pumpkins!
all dressed up and eating our traditional pumpkin dinner.
tanaya's a gangsta, i'm a kitty cat, caimans a frog, and johns a daddy :)
a cute little frog!
a mean gangsta!
tanaya and her friends. heading out for a long night of trick & treating!
caimans 1st trick & treating! :)
grandma and papa stopped by. tanaya was already out and about
granny nanny, aunt kathy, and uncle dave flew in for caimans blessing on sunday. they arrived just in time to end halloween with us and celebrate granny nanny's birthday!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

hunter safety

(this is John writing)
Tanaya and I went to get our Hunter Education Blue Cards, which allow you to get a hunting licence in Utah.  It was a full day of learning about gun safety and hunting ethics.  Poor Tanaya wasn't feeling well in the morning but she still wan't to go. 

After some morning class work, they had us go outside and learn to walk around with a gun.  Here's Tanaya showing how to safely go over some walls and fences.
The funnest part of the day was target shooting.  Dead Eye Tanaya.  She had a little miss step by shooting at the wrong target at first, but after that she was a better shot than me. 
And we both passed.  Yea! were safe. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

chicago family visit

family, family, family, we love our family. aunt sue & uncle al drove in from california, and uncle rich & aunt karen, and great grandma reggie flew in from chicago, all to meet caiman for the first time. it was so fun to have them around and see them with caiman.

great grandma reggie with caiman. i love this precious picture. she loves him so much
these men love their grandma
uncle al showing caiman pictures of trains :)
walking around gardner village after lunch
at the top of the joseph smith memorial building

Monday, October 15, 2012

at work with dad

caiman and i took daddy lunch today.  john had fun showing caiman his office and what he does at work, and of course we didn't leave before john showed him off to all his co-workers.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

haunted house & a cousin day

bailey, tanaya, and brayden went to a haunted house. 
they were so cute together and had a great time!
they spent the night and wrestling ensued

baking cookies is anything but normal with these two

at least their cute! :) 

caiman 2 months old

two months old and more kissable than ever

he's outgrown his newborn diapers and clothes and is now in a size one and 0-3 months. he is so smart and already knows day from night. during the night he wakes up only to eat and then goes right back to sleep. during the day he isn't a big fan of sleep, and instead, likes to stay up and play. he is such a happy baby! he loves to stand up on your lap and turn his head from side to side to look around. i can't believe how alert he is and how strong his neck and legs are.

we had our first bath together. he can't move around as much in his baby tub so he's much happier to be free of it and just float and look around. he's starting to sleep longer between feedings at night, which john and i are very grateful for. john's an awesome daddy. i'll wake up to feed caiman then john will wake up to burp him and change his diaper.

tanaya turned 15 and he loved celebrating it with her. he loves, loves, loves his sister. one day caiman was crying so hard and nothing john or i did could console him. tanaya walked over and took him from us and he instantly stopped crying! john and i looked at each other, threw up our hands, and said, "oh! she's what he wanted!" she is also the only one that can get him to smile on demand! :) did i mention how much he loves his sister ;)

grandma beverly watched him for a couple hours and was his first ever babysitter. she is so cute with him and spoils him with kisses and hugs.

grandpa lhotak came into town to see him and he even held him three times! grandpa tries not be too mushy but caiman already has him wrapped around his little finger. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

grandpa lhotaks visit

me and my little man taking a little nap before grandpa lhotak arrives.
i love this picture. i want to hold him forever
grandpas here!
a three generation lhotak picture

grandpa pushing the stroller and loving it
out to breakfast with grandpa